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Preanalytical Errors Articles

Al Sula KM, Almalki AM, Alzaidi HM, Alshanbar TA, Althobiti BH, Alharb YA, Almarsha MA, Alotaib FM, Alsharekh RA, Alresheed MH, Almuthaybiri ZS. A Comprehensive Review of Errors in Medical Laboratories and Strategies for Improvement. Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research 2024; 15:1902-1916.

Chadda K, Kumar MR, Patel C. Pre-Analytical Error in Biochemistry Laboratory. Sch Int J Biochemistry 2024;7(2):25-29.

Nordin N, Ab Rahim, SN, Wan Omar WF, Zulkarain S, Sinha S, et al. Preanalytical Errors in Clinical Laboratory Testing at a Glance: Source and Control Measures.  Cureus 2024;16(3):e57243.

Grover R, Gadhavi BJ. Study of Pre-Analytical Errors in Laboratory & Steps to Improve. Saudi J Pathol Microbiol 2024;9(1):20-26.

Preanalytical errors in clinical biochemistry laboratory and relationship with hospital departments and staff: A record-based study. Dundar C, Bahadir O. Journal of Patient Safety 2023.

Preanalytical errors in clinical biochemistry laboratory. Kumar S, et al. International Journal of Contemporary Medicine 2020.

Costs analysis of a training intervention for the reduction of preanalytical errors in primary care samples. Romero A, et al. Medicine 2020.

Pre-analytical errors: a major issue in medical laboratory. Almatrafi A. Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 2019.

A study of preanalytical errors in a hospital based clinical biochemistry laboratory. Bhuyar B. International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry 2017.

Preanalytical variables affecting the integrity of human biospecimens in biobanking. Ellervik C. Clinical Chemistry 2015.

Preanalytical quality improvement. In pursuit of harmony, on behalf of EFLM working group for preanalytical phase. Lippi G, et al. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2015.

Preanalytical variability and quality of diagnostic testing. Looking at the moon and gazing beyond the finger. Lippi G,et al. NZ Journal of Medical Lab Science 2015.

Metrics for identifying errors related to preanalytical sample handling. Kittanakom S, Kavsak PA. Clinical Biochemistry 2014.

Study of variables affecting critical value notification in a laboratory catering to a tertiary care hospital. Agarwal R. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 2013.

Is a specific order of tube draw required during blood collection by venipuncture? Salvagno G, et al. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2013.

System-related factors contributing to diagnostic errors. Thammasitboon S, et al. Current Problems in Pediatric Adolescent Healthcare 2013.

Frequency of errors in clinical laboratory practice. Sadiq F, et al. Iranian Journal of Pathology 2013.

Quality indicators to detect preanalytical errors in laboratory testing. Plebani M, et al. ClinicaChimicaActa 2013.

Preanalytical quality improvement: in quality we trust. Lippi G, et al. Clinical Chemistry and Lab Medicine 2013.

Effectiveness of barcoding for reducing patient specimen and laboratory testing identification errors. Snyder S et al. Clinical Biochemistry 2012.

Effects of sample transportation on commonly requested laboratory testing tests. Zaninotto M, Tasinato A, Padoan A, et al. Clinical Chemistry and Lab Medicine 2012.

Effects of vigorous mixing of blood vacuum tubes on laboratory test results. Lima-Oliveira G, Lippi G, Salvagno G, et al. Clinical Biochemistry 2012.

Effectiveness of practices to reduce blood culture contamination: a laboratory medicine best practices systematic review and meta-analysis. Snyder S, Favoretto A et al. Clinical Biochemistry 2012.

Errors in specimen processing and the potential misdiagnosis of acute renal failure in a 12-year old girl. Lazzari M. Laboratory Medicine 2012.

Exploring the initial steps of the testing process: frequency and nature of preanalytical errors. Carraro P, Zago T,Plebani M. Clinical Chemistry 2012.

An integrated system for monitoring the quality of sample transportation. Zaninotto M, Tasinato A, Padan A, Vecchiato G, et al.Clinical Biochemistry 2012.

Managing the pre- and post-analytical phases of the total testing process. Hawkins R. Annals of Laboratory Medicine 2012.

Analysis of laboratory sample rejections in the pre-analytical stage at an oncology center. Bhat V, Tiwari P, Chavan P,Kelkar R. ClinicaChimicaActa 2012.

Preanalytical errors and their impact on tests in clinical laboratory practice. Naz S, Mumtaz A. Pakistan Journal of Medical Research 2012.