Molecular Biology Articles
Misra A, Powell EA. Preanalytical Challenges of Molecular Microbiology Tests. Clinics in Laboratory Medicine 2024;44(1):33-43.
Pre-analytical Practices in the Molecular Diagnostic Tests, A Concise Review. Anvari MS, Gharib A, Abolhasani M, et al. Iran Journal of Pathology 2021.
Preanalytical variables that affect the outcome of cell-free DNA measurements. Ungerer V, Bronkhorst A, Holdenrieder S. Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences 2020.
Implementation of Novel Methods, Markers or Sample types in Molecular Pathology – Quality Assurance Aspects. Keppens C, De Smedt J, Dequeker E. Archives of Clinical and Biomedical Research 2020.
Proteomic identification of serum biomarkers for gastric cancer using multidimensional liquid chromatography and 2D differential gel electrophoresis. ClinicaChimicaActa 2012.
Impact of blood sampling on the circulating matrix metalloproteinases 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9 Jung K, Klotzek S, Stephan C, et al. Clinical Chemistry 2008.
Preanalytical factors affecting RIA measurement of plasma Kisspeptin. Nanba T, Watanabe M, et al. Clinical Chemistry 2008.
Preanalytic influence of sample handling on SELDI-TOF serum protein profiles. Timms JF, Arslan-Low E, Gentry-Maharaj A, et al. Clinical Chemistry 2007.
Impact of storage conditions on genetic analysis or viral load determination in clinical specimens. Gravina P, et al. Clinical Chemistry and Lab Medicine 2008.