Hematology Articles
Enhancing quality in hematology laboratory testing: A comprehensive review of preanalytical phase errors and prevention strategies.
J Appl Hematol 2024;15:95-101.
Preanalytical Errors in Hematology: Insights From a Tertiary Care Hospital.
Kani V, Kannan K, Arumugam S, Sonti S. Cureus 2024;16(9):e69641.
A Narrative Review on the Preanalytical Sample Errors in the Hematology Section of Clinical Laboratory.
Lorque LL, Bonifacio KA, Padilla IG, Panganiban MI, Persia AG, Tsai RD, Mabbagu RM. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences 2023;12(2):231-244.
Study of the errors in hematology laboratory in a tertiary care hospital. S. Aadil. European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine 2020.
Finish before the start: analyzing preanalytical sample errors in a tertiary care hematology laboratory. K Gaur, et al. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 2020.
Modern hematology analyzers are very useful for diagnosis of malaria and crucially may help avoid misdiagnosis. T. Hanscheid, M. Grobusch. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2017.
Guidance for storing blood samples in laboratories performing complete blood count with differential. International Journal of Lab Hematology 2012.
Distant testing in laboratory hematology and flow cytometry - The Indian experience. Gupta AD. Clinical Laboratory Medicine 2012.
Stability of hematological analytes depends on the hematology analyser used: A stability study with Bayer Advia 120, Beckman Coulter LH 750 and Sysmex XE 2100. Imeri F, Herklotz R, Risch L, et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 2008.
Pre-analytical variation of some haematological quantities. García-Panyella M, Padró-Miquel A, Dot-Bach D, et al. Clinical Chemistry and Lab Medicine 2008.
Preanalytical effects of pneumatic tube transport on routine haematology, coagulation parameters, platelet function and global coagulation. Wallin O, Söderberg J, et al. Clinical Chemistry and Lab Medicine 2008.
The influence of the tourniquet time on haematological testing for antidoping purposes. Lippi G, Salvagno GL, Solero GP, Guidi GC. International Journal of Sports Medicine 2006.
Venous stasis and routine hematologic testing. Lippi G, Salvagno GL, Montagnana M, Franchini M, Guidi GC. Clinical Laboratory Haematology 2006.
Stability of blood cell counts, hematologic parameters and reticulocytes indexes on the Advia A120 hematologic analyser. Lippi G, Salvagno GL, Solero GP, Franchini M, Guidi GC. J Lab Clin Med 2005.
Effect of pre-analytical variables on glycohemoglobin measurements in routine clinical care. Camargo JL, Felisberto M, Gross JL. ClinBiochem 2004.