Clinical Chemistry
Add-on testing: stability assessment of 63 biochemical analytes in centrifuged and capped samples stored at 16° C.. Nielsen AJ, Ladefoged SA, Madsen JB. Clin Chem Lab Med 2024;10(0).
Total clinical chemistry laboratory errors and evaluation of the analytical quality control using Sigma Metric for routine clinical chemistry tests. Teshome M, Worede A, Asmelash D. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 2021.
Pre-analytical errors, percent occurrence and rectification strategies at a tertiary care hospital- based clinical biochemistry laboratory. Alam JM, Sultana I, et al. Chemistry Research Journal 2020.
Preanalytical errors in clinical biochemistry: A comparative study. I. Hamid, et al. International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research, 2019.
Reduction of pre-analytical errors in the clinical chemistry laboratory at the University Hospital of Korea through quality improvement activities. N. Lee. Clinical Biochemistry, 2019.
Order of draw practices in venous blood sampling at clinical biochemistry departments in the Danish health care system. K. Jacobsen, et al. Clinical Biochemistry, 2018.
Frequency and causes of lipemia interference of clinical chemistry laboratory tests. Mainali S, et al. Practical Lab Medicine 2017.
Preanalytical quality improvement: In pursuit of harmony. On behalf of European Federation for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) Working group for Preanalytical Phase. Lippi G, et al. Clinical Chemistry and Lab Medicine 2015.
Quality management of the preanalytical phase: impact of lithium heparin vacuum tube changes on clinical chemistry tests. Oliveira G, et al. Accreditation and Quality Assurance 2013.
Preanalytical quality in clinical chemistry laboratory. Ahmad M, et al. Clinical Laboratory 2013.
Effects of blood collection tubes on the incidence of artifactual hyperkalemia on patient samples from an outreach clinic. Babic N, Zibrat S, et al. Clinical Chimica Acta 2012.
Time dependent stability of 22 analytes in lithium plasma specimens stored at refrigerator temperature for up to 4 days. Van Vrancken M, Briscoe D et al. Lab Medicine 2012.
Evaluating preanalytical effects on immunoassays. Malone B. Clinical Laboratory Strategies 2012.
The effects of freeze thaw on B trace protein and B2-microglobulin assays after long term sample storage. Juraschek SP, Coresh J, Inker L, Rynders GP, et al. Clinical Biochemistry 2012.
Long-term stability of biochemical markers in pediatric serum specimens stored at -800C: A CALIPER substudy. Brinc D, Chan MK, Venner A, Pasic M. Clinical Biochemistry 2012.
Evaluation of an abbreviated centrifugation protocol for chemistry testing. Holland L & DomBourian M. Laboratory Medicine 2011.
Effects of different centrifugation conditions on clinical chemistry and immunology test results. BMC Clinical Pathology 2011.
The feasibility of using lithium heparin plasma from gel separator tube as a substitute for serum in clinical biochemical tests. Wei Y, Zhang C, Yang X, Ji M. Laboratory Medicine 2010.
Preanalytical stability of 25(OH)-Vitamin D3 in human blood or serum at room temperature: Solid as a rock. Wielders JP, Wijnberg FA. Clinical Chemistry 2009.
Glycolysis inhibitors negatively bias blood glucose measurements: potential impact on the reported prevalence of diabetes mellitus. Waring WS, Evans LE & Kirkpatrick CT. J Clinical Pathology 2007.
Stability of common biochemical analytes in serum gel tubes subjected to various storage temperatures and times pre-centrifugation. Tanner M, Kent N, Smith B, Fletcher S & Lewer M. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 2008.
Long-term stability of endogenous B-type natriuretic peptide after storage at -200C or -800C. Pereira M, Azevedo A, Severo M, Barros H. Clinical Chemistry Lab Medicine 2008.
Comprehensive profiling of the human circulating endocannabinoid metabolome: clinical sampling and sample storage parameters. Wood JT, Williams JS, Pandarinathan L, Courville A, et al. Clinical Chemistry Lab Medicine 2008.
Effects of delayed sample processing and freezing on serum concentrations of selected nutritional indicators. Drammeh BS, Schleicher RL, Pfeiffer CM, Jain RB, et al.Clinical Chemistry 2008.
Quality specifications for the determination of Copper, Zinc, and Selenium in human serum or plasma: Evaluation of an approach based on biological and analytical variation. Arnaud J, Weber JP, Weykamp CW, Parsons PJ, Angerer J, Mairiaux E, Mazarrasa O, et al. Clinical Chemistry 2008.
Spurious hyperkalaemia due to EDTA contamination: common and not always easy to identify. Cornes MP, Ford C, Gama R. Ann Clinical Biochemistry 2008.
Effect of collection tube type and preanalytical handling on myeloperoxidase concentrations. Shih J, Datwyler SA, Hsu SC, Matias MS, Pacenti DP, Lueders C, Mueller C, Danne O & Möckel M. Clinical Chemistry 2008.
Choline in whole blood and plasma: sample preparation and stability. Yue B, Pattison E, Roberts WL, et al. Clinical Chemistry 2008.
Two-year stability of NT-proBNP in frozen samples using the Roche Elecsys system. Cauliez B, Guignery J, Marinier S, et al. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 2008.
Investigating elevated potassium values. Baer DM, Ernst DJ, Willeford SI, Gambino R. Medical Laboratory Observer 2006.
Effects of prolonged ambient storage of sodium fluoride/heparin specimens on plasma homocysteine. Scheidhauer R, Guessregen B, Hohl A, Arndt T. Clinical Chemistry 2005.
Storage of whole blood: Effect of temperature on the measured concentration of analytes in serum. Rehak NN, Chiang BT. Clinical Chemistry 1988.